Photo viewer software.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
- Two most frequent Problems
- After many days of implementation of Meghdoot SP1 and Sanchay post R2 also, many of our friends facing two problems. So I have decided to post the two solutions again.
1) While doing submit accounts 'Server not configured for RPC'
Solution: Run the following query using query analyzer (replace 'myserver' with your server name):
exec sp_serveroption @server='myserver', @optname='rpc', @optvalue='true'
exec sp_serveroption @server='myserver', @optname='rpc out', @optvalue='true'
Note: The above error is related to SQL Server configuration settings and not related to the application. (RPC is Remote Procedure Call).
2) Login failed for user Arrow in Project database (While upgradation of SP R2)
If you recieve error code "Z" If you check the status in DB Analyzer
Please Download the Arrow.exe, double click the Arrow.exe and input the login details
and press ok.
Download Arrow.exe
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Useful software
Quick recovery software to recover the deleted files
Download Here
Adobe Flashplayer
Download Here
Virus Science
SB Order 15/2010
Closure / Premature closure of accounts- revision of format of account closure form
SB-7A regarding.
SB Order 16/2010
Printing of new account opening form (SB-3) circulated in 2008.
SB Order 17/2010
Admissibility of interest after death of depositor before meturity in case of SCSS-2004
account-amendment to sub rule 3 of Rule 8 of SCSS-2004 rules regarding.
DBAnalyzer dtd 020910
Recent additions in DBAnalyzer >> Reports
1. Provision to update PAN Card details for SCS accounts
3. Reports in connection with AML - Reports for SB, MIS, TD, SCS, NSC and KVP deposits/opening and withdrawals/closure transactions are available under 'Income tax report' option.
4. List of Branch offices
5. List of Accounts BO wise
6. Provision to modify agent license expiry date is made available in 'RD Accounts - Agent-wise' option
Download Here
Task Manager Disabled By Administrator
To do so:
Click on "Start" menu and then select and click on "Run"
In the "Run" window type "regedit" and click on "OK"
In the "Registry Editor" window that opens, navigate to:
My Computer \ HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies\ System
In the right-pane, right click and delete the value, "DisableTaskMgr" [Deleting this value from the Registry Editor would make sure that the task bar remains enabled at all times]. Close the Registry Editor.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Fetching PLI/RPLI data from counter & Treasury
Problem related to inclusion of incorrect no. of pli/rpli transaction in the csv file is rectified.
Download Here
Fetching PLI/RPLI data from counter & Treasury
Problem related to fetching PLI/RPLI data from counter is rectified.
Download Here
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Sanchaya Post Day Begin Query
delete from dcl.daybegin
delete from dcl.last_working_day
delete from dcl.si_exec_update
Sanchaya Post Query for Data Restore
>· Select sid from sysxlogins where name = ‘DCL’
>For example: The result of this command may be as follows:
>2. Execute these commands one by one
>Ø sp_configure ‘allow updates’,1 Press Ctrl E
>Ø reconfigure with override Press Ctrl E.
>3. Select ‘post’ database and execute the following statements:
>Ø Update sysusers set sid = 0x603B633FF489D411AD9A000021DD037E
> where name = ‘DCL’
>Note: Value of sid obtained by step 1 has to be used in the above update statement.
>Repeat step 3 after selecting the other four (BPRO, BPLOG, SOSB, SIGN and SO’s if necessary) databases one by one and executing the same query. After all the databases have be modified with the SID, go to the next step.
>4. Execute these commands one by one
>Ø sp_configure ‘allow updates’,0 Press Ctrl E
>Ø reconfigure with override Press Ctrl E.
>5. You can now run the data entry / online transactions as usual.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
-------------------- DOWNLOADS HERE -----------------------
SPEEDNET README 3.1.1 : Downloads dtd 17/07/2009
CCBRIDGE 3.5 SETUP: Download
eMO Pay inSlip - New : Download
Computer History Sheet : Download
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Hirens Boot CD 10.4
Dear friends,
Hirens Boot CD 10.4 is a very useful bootable CD, with many features. Hope this CD will help all our SA's in their day to day office work & other staff for their home use.It contains all most every thing we want in a single CD, including Antivirus, password recovery, disk partioning etc--Download this CD from any of the following links:
Download Link 1 or Download Link 2
after downloading extract the zip file, you will find an ISO image, burn the image using the Burncdcc.exe located below.
Miscellaneous Softwares
V2Conversion 3.0 dtd 05/04/2010
SB Plugin & V2Conversion Updates dtd 31/03/2010SanchayPost DB Creation :
RMS : CRC Setup
Inspector Software Setup : Download
Inspector Software 2.1 Updates : Download
Inspector Software 2.2 Updates : Download
Monday, May 17, 2010
1) Hi guys, Im posting a new SQL tool which I found interesting(free ware for 30 days). Use it on your own risk as Im not responsible for any negetive aspects, If possible run it on a dummy server. Hope this tool will help us in understanding various aspects of SQL, understanding design,logins,scripting etc---here to Download
2)I found this tutorial very useful in our daily life, I've uploaded it.Download Here
Meghdoot 6.6.1 Problems & Solutions
Point of Sale
1. RPLI transactions cannot be booked.
Solution: Do not enter Date Of Acceptance and Agent Code while doing RPLI transactions till a new service pack is supplied.
2. Stored procedure missing error while doing submit account.
Solution: EMO database upgradation should be done before Counter upgradation. You should do emo database upgradation and then do the counter database upgradation.
3. The following error log after counter database upgradation.
22:36:28: SCRIPT EXECUTION DETAILS (counter)
22:36:29:[Column names in each table must be unique. Column name 'AgentCode' in table 'PostalLifeInsurance' is specified more than once.] : Script Execution Error : While executing statement ALTER TABLE PostalLifeInsurance ADD AgentCode nvarchar(15) NULL
22:36:29:[Column names in each table must be unique. Column name 'FirstYearPremium' in table 'PostalLifeInsurance' is specified more than once.] : Script Execution Error : While executing statement ALTER TABLE PostalLifeInsurance ADD FirstYearPremium money NULL
22:36:29:[Column names in each table must be unique. Column name 'DateOfAcceptance' in table 'PostalLifeInsurance' is specified more than once.] : Script Execution Error : While executing statement ALTER TABLE PostalLifeInsurance ADD DateOfAcceptance datetime
Solution: These error messages will come if counter database is upgraded twice. These error messages can be ignored.
4. Active X component cannot create object.
Solution: Reinstall the application after deleting the old installation cab files. If you are getting any error while registering the dlls then do the following
Register the dll by entering the following in the Run dialog box window.(Start - Run)
Regsvr32 ApplicationPath\dllname
eg.Regsvr32 H:\POS\cash.dll
5. While doing submit accounts ‘Server not configured for RPC’
Solution: Run the following query using query analyzer
exec sp_serveroption @server='myserver', @optname='rpc', @optvalue='true'
exec sp_serveroption @server='myserver', @optname='rpc out', @optvalue='true'
in the myserver replace the myserver with your servername.. It will solve the RPC problem
6. While doing submit accounts error ‘Operation is not allowed when the object is closed’
Solution : Run Counter13042010.exl using script tool.
7. While booking MO Videsh, Countries and currencies are not coming
Solution : If countries, currencies are not coming in Movidesh booking then patch is available in ftp site...
8. While performing Day End, Multiple step operation generated errors. Check each status value
Solution: Please download the zip file from Unzip it and follow the instruction given in readme.
9. Invalid object name 'ECounter..ENVIRONMENT'.
Solution : Upgrade eCounter database
1. In treasury module while entry in postman returns error shown ‘POSTMAN DATA BASE IS NOT AVAILBLE QUITTING’
Solution: Run the following query using query analyzer
exec sp_serveroption @server='myserver', @optname='rpc', @optvalue='true'
exec sp_serveroption @server='myserver', @optname='rpc out', @optvalue='true'
in the myserver replace the myserver with your servername.. It will solve the RPC problem
2. Accounts Heads not coming
Solution: Please run treasury1.exl using script tool.
After executing the script, run query analyzer and execute the following query selecting treasury database.
update_megh66_accountheads_bydate 'ddmmyy'
ddmmyy stands for the date on which account heads not appeared. ex: if the date is 06/04/2010 then ddmmyy will be 060410
1. While performing Day End, Multiple step operation generated errors. Check each status value
Solution: Please download the zip file from Unzip it and follow the instruction given in readme.
2. Station articles are not fetching in Despatch
Solution: Local delivery / Station articles will not be fetched for despatch in the Despatch module.You can fetch local article for delivery through postman module. The data will be correctly fetched in DET.
1. Local articles are showing not sent out for delivery in DET
Solution: The option "Fetch from Counter" should be used on the day of invoicing these articles to Postman beats. For ex: If you have booked local articles today and you want them to be sent to beats on tomorrow, you should not use the Fetch from Counter option today. This option to be exercised on the next dayonly.
In such a situation, even if you don’t fetch today, all these local articles will be treated as "Despatched" in DET. Hence Pls use the Fetch from Counter option on the date of invoicing the articles to postman.
For any type of error coming after upgradation the following.
Restore the backup of Sub accounts, Sub Treasury, BO Sub accounts taken before upgradation....and continue your work till solution is provided by PTC.
1. Object reference not set error while doing paid verification
Solution: Please ensure that eMO Account heads are created properly. SubAccount and SupplySubaccount databases are running and correct treasury server name is given while configuration. Ensure that Socodemapping is done correctly. Ensure that HOAccount date and SOaccount dates are entered correctly both in eMO operator and subaccount modules.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
• Mail Data Collection Exercise 2010
- Please find below the steps required to fill the data for the post offices and MBC's/BPC's for the purpose of the proposed mail enumeration exercise scheduled to be undertaken.
URL of the web site: -
User name: - entrymod
Password: - entrymod - Step 1: When you will open the webpage, you will see the below screen and where you need to enter the login credentials which is being provided to all circles.
Step2: When you login with your user id and password, you can see the below attached screen with two links:
1 for the Post offices
2 for the MBC's or BPC's
Step 3: If you click on link 1 for the Post offices, you would require to fill the required data for your Post office. If your PO is a delivery office, the following screen would appear:
Home | Logout |
*Note: 1. Please check the data carefully before saving as data cannot be entered twice. 2. For collection/booking, please provide all collection/booking volumes including volumes from the branch offices associated with your sub office or Head Office 3. For delivery, please provide all delivery volumes including volumes sent to the branch offices associated with your sub office or Head Office |
Data Collection Web Page | |
Select your Circle : | Select Circle |
Select your Postal Region : | Select Region |
Select your Postal Division : | Select Division |
Select your Post Office : | Select Post office |
Select Date : | |
Enter the volume of First Class unregistered mail collected from all letter boxes attached to the post office and collected at the counter for the selected date : | |
Enter the volume of First Class unregistered mail received for delivery in the post office for the selected date : | |
Enter the volume of Second Class mail (excluding parcels) collected from all letter boxes attached to the post office and collected at the counter for the selected date : | |
Enter the volume of Second Class mail (excluding parcels) received for delivery in the post office for the selected date : | |
Enter the volume of Parcels (Registered parcels, VPP, EPP and ordinary parcels) booked or collected at the counter for the selected date : | |
Enter the volume of Parcels (Registered parcels, VPP, EPP and ordinary parcels) received for delivery in the post office for the selected date : | |
Enter the total volume of Registered Post, Money Order and Electronic Money Order booked at the counter for the selected date : | |
Enter the total volume of Registered Post, Money Order and Electronic Money Order received for delivery in the post office for the selected date : | |
Total Number of postmen deliver all types of articles(Unregistered, accountable, speedpost and parcels) for the selected date : | |
Step4: If you click on link 1 for the Post offices where you need to fill the required data for the Post offices, but the selected Post office is not a delivery office, then the following screen would appear and then you can only enter the Booking volume.
Home | Logout |
*Note: 1. Please check the data carefully before saving as data cannot be entered twice. 2. For collection/booking, please provide all collection/booking volumes including volumes from the branch offices associated with your sub office or Head Office |
Select your Circle : | Select Circle |
Select your Postal Region : | Select Region |
Select your Postal Division : | Select Division |
Select your Post Office : | Select Post Office |
Select Date : | 26-Oct-2010 |
Enter the volume of First Class unregistered mail collected from all letter boxes attached to the post office and collected at the counter for the selected date : | |
Enter the volume of Second Class mail (excluding parcels) collected from all letter boxes attached to the post office and collected at the counter for the selected date : | |
Enter the volume of Parcels (Registered parcels, VPP, EPP and ordinary parcels) booked or collected at the counter for the selected date : | |
Enter the total volume of Registered Post, Money Order and Electronic Money Order booked at the counter for the selected date : |
Step 5: If you click on link 2 for the MBC's and BPC's, you would require to fill the required data for the BPC's and MBC's as shown in the screen below:
Home | Logout |
*Note: 1. Please check the data carefully before saving as data cannot be entered twice. 2. For collection/booking, please provide all collection/booking volumes received from customers 3. For delivery, please provide all delivery volumes for which delivery is done through BPC/MBC |
Data Collection Web Page | |
Select your Circle : | Select Circle |
Select your MBC/BPC : | Select MBC/BPC |
Select Date : | |
First Class Unregistered Booking Volume | |
First Class Unregistered Delivery Volume | |
First Class Registered Booking Volume | |
First Class Registered Delivery Volume | |
Step 6: If you click on link 2 for the MBC's and BPC's where you need to fill the required data for the BPC's and MBC's, but the selected MBC/BPC doesn't perform delivery operation, then you can only see the below screen and then you can only enter the Booking volume.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Address Proof Card from DOP
Keeping this in mind, Indian Postal Department is issuing photo id card with address proof through its large network of post offices. The process is very simple and straight forward.
Procedure to get Address proof:
Obtain the form for address proof from your nearest post office by paying Rs. 10/-.
After filling up the form submit it in the post office along with a fee of Rs. 240/-.
A postman is sent by the Postal Department to verify the address you provided.
After the verification is done you’ll get the address id card.
The entire process can take up to 2 months.
You can also download the form from here. (In this case you’ll have to add the cost of form with the application fee, thus final amount to be paid is still Rs. 250/-).
Apart from the cost of application form which is Rs. 10/-, you also need to submit a fee of:
Rs. 240/- for a new card.
Rs. 140/- for renewal.
Rs. 90/- for duplicate.
Salient Features:
The card serves both as identity proof and address proof.
The card is valid for a period of 3 years, after which it has to be renewed.
Not all post offices issue the card. So you need to find the nearest post office that provides this facility.
Considering the wide range of Indian Postal Department, this step is going to help a lot of people, even those who live in remote areas. Our department is trying to revamp its image by introducing such public oriented schemes. .
(NOTE: Even though this service has been in operation for quite some time now, It is presently available at few places only.)