Presentation on Technological Developments in Department of Posts was held on 23.11.2010 in the presence of Secretary, Department of Posts, Member (Technology), Member (Operations) and other officers of the India Post. The Staff side was represented by Secretary Generals of Federations and General Secretaries of All India Unions.
The presentation was elaborately dealt with the vast changes that are going to take place in the Department of Posts due to large scale induction of Information and communication Technology (ICT). A budget of Rs. 1800 crores has been earmarked for the project which is to be completed by the year end of 2013.
The gist of the presentation can be summed up as follows:
In this era of fast developing Information and Communication Technology, large scale induction and assimilation of modern means of communication has become vital for sustenance and growth of India Post.
Having created a base of more than 12000 computerised Post offices in the country and a pool of trained human resource, India Post is in the process of implementing mass scale computerization and networking of all Departmental Post offices and Branch Post offices on a single integrated and modular platform connected to a National Data Center.
This National infrastructure, so created will enable India Post to provide state-of-the-art ICT services including Mobile remittance and Banking on a core banking platform and provide inclusive banking to rural, remote and hitherto unbanked areas.
The vast network and infrastructure of India Post, have already enabled it to become the preferred point of inter face between Government and the members of public for delivery of social and economic welfare schemes of the Government of India and various state governments. Introduction of modern ICT will help in timely and transparent delivery of social benefit schemes to the beneficiaries viz. MGNREGS, Indira Gandhi Old Age Pension Scheme (IGOAPS).
Computerised and connected network of Post office on a single integrated platform will also help India Post to retail products and services of other service providers viz. Banks, Government & Non Government financial institutions, Government Agencies and Mutual Fund houses in the rural and remote areas.
India Post has already taken initiative for re-engineering processes and making it compatible to suite the new ICT solutions and customer requirements.
One of the pre-requisite for transformation of India Post is upgradation of the skills of the work force and capacity building. Training of the human resources has been given its due importance and recognition in the project. The Services of the newly recruited 15000 Postal Assistants will also be utilized to the maximum extent. The Branch Post offices will not be provided with computers, instead they will be provided with modern-technology oriented hand devices.
Secretary General, NFPE insisted that the services rendered by the existing System Administrators in maintaining the computer network of more than 12000 Post offices is to be acknowledged in its true perspective and they may be absorbed in suitable posts such as System Assistants while implementing the project. The Secretary Post stated that this aspect will be given positive consideration. While we pointing out the delay in discussion on cadre review proposals, it was assured to finalise very shortly. Introduction of accrual based accounting system is also becomes part of the project. The apprehension about the mass redeployment or surplus has been focussed by us for which the Secretary, Posts assured that there will be no staff movements or reduction.
The Leader Staff side requested to arrange a similar presentation to the Circle Secretaries also for which the Secretary (Posts) responded positively.
The following news were made known to us during the course of discussions and interactions.
(i) For the current financial year, the modernization will be restricted up to B class offices, 628 crores had been allotted for this purpose.
(ii)Single handed offices & BOs will be taken in the next year project.
(iii)For Pilot Project six circles have been identified viz. Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh & Assam. It will come into functioning before August 2011.
(iv) Instead of cost accounting, accrual basis system will be introduced. This is almost implemented in all major organizations including Telecom as per the Government of India decisions.
(v) 1800 ATMs will be established after the introduction of Core banking. Call centers to collection of logistics, MO etc will be formed. Track & trace facilities will be implemented for all services.
(vi) On Phase II, the rest of 16 circles will be completed.
(vii) Softwares are being developed as per the recommendations of 'Accenture'.
(viii) Expression of Interest was segregated to three instruments. One major National level Data server. Second 2600 departmental Post office net week interrogators, third Rural ICP hardware solutions. All net work equipments, connectivity, maintenance will be entrusted to vendor for 24 X 7 (Per week). He is solely responsible for everything. The penalty clause provision has been included.
(ix) Data centre, hire space and installation area will be ours. The rest software, maintenance etc will be entrusted to the providers.
(x) While comparing previous year, 13% revenue has been increased in postal operations. MAIL NETWORK OPTIMIZATION PROJECT
An interaction with the staff side on Mail Network optimization project also took place during the meeting. It is explained that the scope of the project is to (1) optimize India Post Network from collection to delivery (2) to standardize processes with focus on significant quality improvement & reduction in network complexity (3) put in place an effective performance measurement system through regular reviews (4) improve the ambience of mail offices (5) upgrade processing facilities and improve working condition for employees and (6) make staff and customers proud of being associated with India Post. The key operational areas of the network optimization are (i) Speed Post and (ii) First class mail. First class mail optimization study is in progress.
The interaction mainly concentrated on the newly introduced Speed Post Network optimization programme (hubs). The Staff Side pointed out that the introduction of the speed post hubs has resulted in delay in processing and transmission of speed post articles resulting in delay in delivery. This issue should be addressed on top priority basis and corrective measures to avoid delay should be taken. The staff side further pointed out that while more than 80% of the speed post hubs are functioning under the administrative control of RMS Superintendents, the remaining hubs are controlled by Postal Superintendents. This has created on apprehension in the minds of the RMS employees that in the longer run the identity of RMS will be lost and eventually it will be merged with Post offices. Taking into consideration of this aspect, the Staff Side requested that all the Speed Post hubs should be under the control of RMS Superintendents. The Secretary, Posts assured to consider the request positively.
The gist of the presentation can be summed up as follows:
In this era of fast developing Information and Communication Technology, large scale induction and assimilation of modern means of communication has become vital for sustenance and growth of India Post.
Having created a base of more than 12000 computerised Post offices in the country and a pool of trained human resource, India Post is in the process of implementing mass scale computerization and networking of all Departmental Post offices and Branch Post offices on a single integrated and modular platform connected to a National Data Center.
This National infrastructure, so created will enable India Post to provide state-of-the-art ICT services including Mobile remittance and Banking on a core banking platform and provide inclusive banking to rural, remote and hitherto unbanked areas.
The vast network and infrastructure of India Post, have already enabled it to become the preferred point of inter face between Government and the members of public for delivery of social and economic welfare schemes of the Government of India and various state governments. Introduction of modern ICT will help in timely and transparent delivery of social benefit schemes to the beneficiaries viz. MGNREGS, Indira Gandhi Old Age Pension Scheme (IGOAPS).
Computerised and connected network of Post office on a single integrated platform will also help India Post to retail products and services of other service providers viz. Banks, Government & Non Government financial institutions, Government Agencies and Mutual Fund houses in the rural and remote areas.
India Post has already taken initiative for re-engineering processes and making it compatible to suite the new ICT solutions and customer requirements.
One of the pre-requisite for transformation of India Post is upgradation of the skills of the work force and capacity building. Training of the human resources has been given its due importance and recognition in the project. The Services of the newly recruited 15000 Postal Assistants will also be utilized to the maximum extent. The Branch Post offices will not be provided with computers, instead they will be provided with modern-technology oriented hand devices.
Secretary General, NFPE insisted that the services rendered by the existing System Administrators in maintaining the computer network of more than 12000 Post offices is to be acknowledged in its true perspective and they may be absorbed in suitable posts such as System Assistants while implementing the project. The Secretary Post stated that this aspect will be given positive consideration. While we pointing out the delay in discussion on cadre review proposals, it was assured to finalise very shortly. Introduction of accrual based accounting system is also becomes part of the project. The apprehension about the mass redeployment or surplus has been focussed by us for which the Secretary, Posts assured that there will be no staff movements or reduction.
The Leader Staff side requested to arrange a similar presentation to the Circle Secretaries also for which the Secretary (Posts) responded positively.
The following news were made known to us during the course of discussions and interactions.
(i) For the current financial year, the modernization will be restricted up to B class offices, 628 crores had been allotted for this purpose.
(ii)Single handed offices & BOs will be taken in the next year project.
(iii)For Pilot Project six circles have been identified viz. Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh & Assam. It will come into functioning before August 2011.
(iv) Instead of cost accounting, accrual basis system will be introduced. This is almost implemented in all major organizations including Telecom as per the Government of India decisions.
(v) 1800 ATMs will be established after the introduction of Core banking. Call centers to collection of logistics, MO etc will be formed. Track & trace facilities will be implemented for all services.
(vi) On Phase II, the rest of 16 circles will be completed.
(vii) Softwares are being developed as per the recommendations of 'Accenture'.
(viii) Expression of Interest was segregated to three instruments. One major National level Data server. Second 2600 departmental Post office net week interrogators, third Rural ICP hardware solutions. All net work equipments, connectivity, maintenance will be entrusted to vendor for 24 X 7 (Per week). He is solely responsible for everything. The penalty clause provision has been included.
(ix) Data centre, hire space and installation area will be ours. The rest software, maintenance etc will be entrusted to the providers.
(x) While comparing previous year, 13% revenue has been increased in postal operations. MAIL NETWORK OPTIMIZATION PROJECT
An interaction with the staff side on Mail Network optimization project also took place during the meeting. It is explained that the scope of the project is to (1) optimize India Post Network from collection to delivery (2) to standardize processes with focus on significant quality improvement & reduction in network complexity (3) put in place an effective performance measurement system through regular reviews (4) improve the ambience of mail offices (5) upgrade processing facilities and improve working condition for employees and (6) make staff and customers proud of being associated with India Post. The key operational areas of the network optimization are (i) Speed Post and (ii) First class mail. First class mail optimization study is in progress.
The interaction mainly concentrated on the newly introduced Speed Post Network optimization programme (hubs). The Staff Side pointed out that the introduction of the speed post hubs has resulted in delay in processing and transmission of speed post articles resulting in delay in delivery. This issue should be addressed on top priority basis and corrective measures to avoid delay should be taken. The staff side further pointed out that while more than 80% of the speed post hubs are functioning under the administrative control of RMS Superintendents, the remaining hubs are controlled by Postal Superintendents. This has created on apprehension in the minds of the RMS employees that in the longer run the identity of RMS will be lost and eventually it will be merged with Post offices. Taking into consideration of this aspect, the Staff Side requested that all the Speed Post hubs should be under the control of RMS Superintendents. The Secretary, Posts assured to consider the request positively.